Wednesday, April 4, 2012

More Reviews Coming, Divas!

Over the short Easter break, I plan on writing at least one review a day. I'm thinking about doing reviews of Of Monsters & Men, Lana Del Rey, The Ting Tings, One Direction, Gotye, etc. I know that some of these reviews are very late, I'm just getting a feel for writing and I want to write AS MUCH as I possibly can, so I thought it would be nice. If you want me to review something, let me know. I'll give it a listen, and write out a review. I'm working on much more stuff for the blog, so keep checking back! Lots of new reviews, Songs of the Day, and Album of the Month. I hope to get my hands on My Week With Marilyn, Young Adult, & Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close, just to review some more movies, too.

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